The Deforested Edition - Who Gives A Crap

The Solo Project - Vodka Cruiser

The Art of Words - Melbourne Writers Festival

Guilt Trips - V/Line Trains

Signs of Love - ANZ Bank

Phubbing - Macquarie Dictionary

'NAB Mini Legends' - National Australia Bank

'Experts in More Than Money' - NAB

'The SDG Flotilla' - United Nations

'Baldstars' - Continental Tyres

'LoveSpeech' - ANZ Bank

'5 Days In A State Of Wonder' - SATC

'Kicking Down Barriers' - ANZ Bank

'How Not To Drive In Japan' - AIG

The Impossible Orchestra - Care Aware

It's Your Call - 3AW Football Radio

SeaBay - Australian Volunteer Coast Guard

100 Day Challenge - VRGF

Sacred Ground - Adidas

Grannie Vlogger - Australian Marriage Equality

Tongue - Advance Pet Foods

'Finance With Somebody' - ANZ Bank

'Inspection Friends' - ANZ Bank

Spring Home Loans - ANZ Bank

'Stuff Agents Say' - ANZ Bank

Solo - A Thirst Worthy Effort

i am better - Medibank

Let's Talk - Mercedes Benz